Our Parents’ Association A.G.M. will take place on Wednesday, October 10th at 7.30 pm.
We have a very active P.A. and I am eternally grateful for the time and support that our parents give to our children and school.
We would love to see a great turn out for the A.G.M. This meeting is an opportunity to learn about the work that the P.A. does during the during year, in addition to outlining plans for the further development of the school.
You often hear of people going to an A.G.M. and unintentionally ending up on the committee! That will not be the case at this A.G.M. There are a lot of people who are willing to give of their time and expertise but don’t wish to become a committee member and that’s O.K. too.
There will also be tea, coffee and refreshments. We hope to see you then.