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Grandparents’ Day

Dear Grandparents, We are  happy to invite you to our lovely grandparents day celebration on the 7th of February. It will take place at 10 o'clock. There will be activities as well as a prayer service and a performance from our students. We hope you can make it! From your grandchildren
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Engineers Week Events

We have two special events for Engineers Week. Mrs Doyle's class will have a visit from Bricks4Kidz to do a special workshop and Lego Challenge with Junior and Senior Infants as well as 1st and 2nd Class. In Ms Connolly's room we will have a visit from Prof James Carton, who apart from working in DCU researching hydrogen and fuel cell technology, has also worked with NASA! We can't wait!
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Engineers Week is coming!

Engineers Week is a week-long programme of nationwide events with the aim of celebrating the world of engineering in Ireland. Coordinated by the Engineers Ireland STEPS programme this week is an opportunity for everyone to raise awareness of the contribution of engineering to our society. It will be held in our school from 26th February to 2nd March 2018. Throughout the week our class will be p...
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Race Night

We are holding a Race Night on Saturday 10th of March 2018. Bill Nolan has once again kindly offered the use of the Millennium Bar to host this event. We hope this will be our last big push to raise the remaining amount of money required to paint the school. Each family in the school has been given one Race Card. Each card has 10 lines, and each line costs €10. Sponsors are asked to...
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Race Night

Our next Parents' Association fundraiser to raise money for the painting of the school will be a Race Night. The Race Night will take place on Saturday the 3rd of March in the Millennium Bar. On this Friday night, the 12th of January, you are all invited to the Millennium Bar at 8pm to begin to organise for the night. Please do come along if you can to offer support or help in any way. Gi...
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Health Promoting School

Congratulations to our Health Squad and Ms. Crean who got, not one, but two special mentions in the Health Promoting School's newsletter for January! This newsletter is sent to school all around the country! There were also two photos from our healthy brunch that the Health Squad organised back in November. The Health Squad have decided to focus on the importance of quality sleep as their next ...
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Investment in ICT

We have heavily invested in developing the use of ICT in the school this year. This investment hasn't only been in the purchase of 10 new iPads and 10 new PCs which will be arriving in the next few weeks. The investment has also been the time and energy of all our teachers and pupils in actively engaging in training to learn how to use them properly! In addition to the new devices, our broadban...
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Confirmation will take place on April 12th this year. A letter will be sent home with all the relevant information as soon as we have full details about the Confirmation from Bishop's House.  
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Operation Transformation!

It's that time of year again! Sports Active Wexford have issued an open invitation to all pupils, parents and their friends and families. They would love if you could join then for National Walk at Promenade/Country Walk in Enniscorthy on Saturday 13th January at 11.00am (registration from 10.30am).
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