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End of Year Celebrations

As we approach the end of a very busy academic year, we take a moment to reflect on the achievements that we have experienced. On Wednesday, 26th of June we would like to send and open invitation to our families and friends of our school to celebrate with us. We will have a flag raising ceremony and celebration for the numerous awards that the school community has received. Celebrations w...
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GAA 5 Star Centre

Recognition as a “GAA 5 Star Centre” is awarded to Primary Schools that undertake to deliver a programme of Gaelic Games activity that is age-appropriate and meets the developmental needs of children within the school. Davidstown PS is part of the national pilot of this scheme and we are delighted to announce that we have been designated a GAA 5 Star Centre! Many thanks to Paudge Courtney and D...
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Standardised Testing

It is the time of year that we carry out our standarised testing. All schools are now required to administer standardised reading and maths tests, such as the Drumcondra Test, in second, fourth and sixth classes and to report the findings to parents and the Department of Education. Most schools, like ours, do this testing with first to sixth class. These tests are important. They help us to get...
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Calendar for School Year 2019/2020

Term 1 (Aug. 2019 – Dec. 2019) School re-opens for children Thursday 29th August at 9.20 am. Junior Infants will finish at 12.30 until the 13th of September. They will finish school at 2 pm from then on. Halloween School will close on Friday 25th October, at 3 pm. School will reopen on Monday 4th November at 9.20 am. Parent/Teacher Meetings November Thursday, 14th November. School will close a...
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Incoming Junior Infants

We invite our incoming junior infants to join us on Wednesday the 12th of June from 2pm to 3pm for our Headstart programme. The boys and girls will have this time to spend in their new classroom with the new teachers Ms. Doyle and Ms. Crean, as well as getting to know their classmates. Parents will have the opportunity to find out about the junior infant curriculum, the school day, programmes r...
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Hurling 365

We are delighted to announce that Hurling 365 will commence this Wednesday 15th at 8.30am. This is a very positive programme which develops a love of hurling among the children while also getting their day off to a fun and active start. It will run up to the end of the school year.  As the weather has improved we will be able to host this event on our school pitch. A permission slip will be sent h...
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Website Design

Our 4th, 5th and 6th class pupils have designed their own website. Please visit the climate change page to see all their work and research. I'm sure you'll agree that they've done a fantastic job! https://sites.google.com/view/davidstownpupils/climate-change?authuser=0
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Research for Centre for School Leadership (CSL)

FAO: 6th Class Parents Dear Parents, The Principals of Rathnure NS, Kiltealy NS, Davidstown NS, Good Counsel College and Coláiste Bríde are currently collaborating in a research project with CSL (Centre for School Leadership). The main focus of our project is to develop best practice in supporting our pupils in the transition from primary to post primary. We would appreciate your thoughts an...
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Bricks for Kidz After School Programme

Bricks for Kidz would like to run the After School Programme for six weeks, from May 13th to June 17th. Please use the online portal to book your children in. The link is located in the information below. If you have any questions, or require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact Bricks for Kidz. Dear Parents, We are delighted to be writing to you today, following the suc...
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