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Outdoor Classroom Day

We had the most amazing Outdoor Classsroom Day today! The weather was wonderful and we had so much fun.

We started with PE and Paudge and Dave, our trainers, called out especially to do some games and football drills with us. After this we got into groups made up of pupils from Junior Infants to 6th and we designed and made kites! We looked at shape and space and design. We built and tested and tried again and each group worked so well together. Although we did get a few airbourne, we will have to try again on a windy day. After lunch we weeded and planted our school garden. This year we have planted broccolli, lettuce, onions, potatoes, peas and beetroot. We also replanted our tyres with some beautiful plants. While this was going on another group went on a minibeast hunt using the pooters, magnifying glasses and petri dishes. The second group were working on creating our tree clay faces. They turned out amazingly well. Plenty of photos will be uploaded soon!
