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Thank you for getting the swim responses back to us so quickly. We are currently pricing the lessons and the bus and will be back to you with a final total for the 8 week block of lessons in the Waterfront.

There had been a few questions regarding the infants class attending lessons.

Staff members are not permitted to help children in getting dressed. For that reason, any children going swimming must be able to dry, change and dress themselves at the pool. There had been inquiries as to if parents could arrive at the end of the lesson to help the infants dress. Parents are very welcome to do so but as it is a school outing these parents will need to be garda vetted. The vetting process is very straightforward. NVB-1-Vetting-Invitation
Please fill out this form and return the school office with proof of ID. The process takes 2 – 3 weeks to clear.
